The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Tuesday announced a new feature on its website and mobile application that makes it easier for users to authenticate the mobile phone number and email address connected to their Aadhaar card. Customers in many cases were not aware that their Aadhaar was connected to a phone number.
According to a statement from UIDAI, people used to be concerned that they wouldn't be aware if their Aadhaar OTP went to a new cellphone number. Customers may now immediately ascertain which cellphone number or email address is associated with their Aadhaar thanks to this functionality. The m-Aadhaar app or the official website are the only ways to access this functionality. You may validate your cellphone number or email address by visiting the m-Aadhaar app. Verification will ensure that you are using your own phone number and not someone else's when you deliver the OTP.
If a person's Aadhaar doesn't have a cell number associated with it, this function also alerts them. “If the mobile number is already verified, then people will see a message on the screen,” the statement reads. The notification stating the inputted number is already registered in the UIDAI database will be shown.
In case customers can't remember the number they supplied while registering for their Aadhaar number, the new functionality enables users to input the last three digits of their cellphone number on the “My Aadhaar” webpage or m-Aadhaar App. According to UIDAI, one needs visit the nearest Aadhaar center in order to connect the email and cellphone number to Aadhaar.
Beneficiaries will benefit from increased security and transparency as a result of the improved feature, which will ensure that the email address and cellphone number associated with the Aadhaar card are secure and current. The move has been applauded by the Ministry of Electronics & IT, which claims that it would offer individuals greater control over their Aadhaar data and assist prevent any possible data misuse.